One-point perspective.

Lesson 2

In this lesson, we’ll make the room
a bit more interesting
than a plain box.

Straight walls are boring. Here’s how to break the long wall on
our right into a series of steps.
1.  On the wall to our right, draw a vertical line from the ceiling
to the floor.
2.  This line is the corner of a new wall. The new wall, like most
walls, will be a rectangle. Draw the rest of the rectangle to the
right of that new line.

If you are not sure how to do it, then follow these steps:   

            a.) At the point where the vertical that you just drew meets the ceiling line, draw a horizontal line moving to the right.

            b.) Draw a horizontal of the same length at the point where the vertical line meets the floor line.

            c.) Join the ends of the two horizontals with a vertical line.
3.  Draw the new ceiling line at the right top corner of the new
rectangle that you have just drawn. This line must point at the
VP.  Do the same at the bottom right corner to create a floor

If  you are not sure how to draw it, then follow these steps:

a.)  Place your ruler on the paper so that the VP and the top right corner of the rectangle you have just drawn rest along the ruler’s edge. 

            b.) Place your pencil on the top corner of the rectangle you have just drawn. From that point, draw a line moving to the right. Repeat the process for the floor line at the bottom right corner of the rectangle.
4.  Erase the parts of the old ceiling and floor lines which no
longer make sense.
You have made the room a little more interesting.
In the next lesson, we’ll continue to follow the same three rules
in order to make the room an even more interesting interior
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